
Mombasa Women Rep Urges Women to Withhold Sex on Men Without Voting Cards

January 17, 2017

Mombasa woman representative Mishi Mboko on Monday issued a rallying cry to women across the country to withhold sex from men who have not registered as voters.

Mishi was speaking at the Jomo Kenyatta showground at Mkomani in Mombasa where she issued cheques to women and youth self-help groups. She said sex is a powerful weapon to make reluctant men rush to register as voters in the exercise that began yesterday.

Mishi’s husband will however, be spared of the conjugal boycott as he has already registered as a voter said Mishi.

“Women, this is the strategy you should adopt. It is the best. Deny them sex until they show you their voter’s card,” she said.

On party politics, the MP said NASA stood the best chance to beat President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto at the August 8 polls.

On Joho, she said the government was ”strengthening and popularising the governor by harassing him.”

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