Janet Mbugua: I Was Told I Would Never Make it to the Runway But I Modelled in Malaysia

January 25, 2017

Citizen TV news anchor Janet Mbugua has shared an inspiring story about her modeling days at the tender age of 17.

In her blog post titled, ‘DARE TO BE DIFFERENT, HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH,’ Janet seeks to inspire her ever-growing followers by sharing some of her disappointments and difficulties before she became the celebrated media personality she is today.

” I tried out for many things before landing my current gig as News Anchor/Media Personality. I auditioned to be a Radio Presenter (that eventually worked out)! I took a course in counseling psychology because I’ve always been fascinated by human emotions. But then one day, I’m not sure if this was because someone loosely suggested I try it, I auditioned to be a runway model!” reads an excerpt from her blog post.

Her audition did not go as planned and turned out to be disastrous after she was told that she would never make it as a model.

“We were all called into a room to be ‘mentored’. We were easily 30 of us in number. One of the mentors, we’ll call her Mentor X, began the session by asking each of us what our dreams for the future looked like,” wrote Janet.

“When my turn came I decided to be cliche, because I honestly wasn’t even sure what I was doing in that room! I said I wanted to be a runway model and before I could finish, Mentor X interrupted me, ‘How tall are you again?’ ‘5’5?’ I half asked and answered. ‘Stop right there; you’ll never make it to the runways, so you need to pick a different dream. Be realistic’.”

Janet, however, made an important decision to believe in herself and later walked the runways of Malaysia.

“I’m not sure how I picked myself up from that but something in me clicked. I had to choose to believe in me if no one else did. I’m so glad I made that decision! I would later walk the runways of Malaysia,” she wrote.

Read the full post HERE.

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