Suzanna Owiyo Blasts Twitter User For Calling Her A ‘CORD Artiste’

June 9, 2016

owinoAfro fusion star Suzanna Owiyo has angrily responded to an internet user for labelling her a CORD artist.
The squabble began when the renowned musician shared her opinion about CORD’s anti-IEBC protests on Twitter. One user was however having none of it.
The singer tweeted, “There’s a big difference saying #BanCORDProtests behind a keyboard with the reality on the ground. Protest is legal by law and should be peaceful.”
A Twitter user then asked her to pull down the post arguing that the singer represents Kenyans of all political affiliations.
“Suzanna Owiyo Delete this tweet or you will loose your Respect madam…azin for sure you are a Kenyan artist Not a cord artist,” wrote the tweep.
A clearly pissed off Suzanna hit back saying, “What respect? For speaking my mind! Address this to your preferred caliber of artists. For your info, I’m a Kenyan.”
Her rant did not end there. She then took to Facebook to post a long post to put the matter to rest.
This is was her full post:
“What happens on Twitter remains on Twitter but not any more! First let me take this opportunity to condole with the families,friends who’ve lost their loved ones in the on going IEBC protests. May their souls RIP
This morning I came a cross a trending hashtag ‪#‎BanCordProtest‬ of which I shared my views on my TL. Does it mean that as an artist/Musician, one is not entitled to speak his/her mind! And if you do, people are quick to judge your political stand, one has gone ahead to label me Cord Artist! I will simply put it this way;-
Issues of social/ political concerns affects each and everyone of us. It knows no gender, tribe nor religion. I will not stop airing my views when need be. Remember it’s your democratic right to support or not to support IEBC protests. I respect your opinion likewise respect mine too.
You may want me to sing a song for peace as one indicated I go back to studio! Then what! Will that help cool the tempers! If our leaders are not willing to dialogue, my so called “peaceful song” may just end up in a trash can!
Every Kenyan, above 18 yrs holds a voting card irrespective of their party affiliation.A card that allows you to elect leaders of your choice.
If you are a true Kenyan and believe in a better Kenya, Let us look at this issue soberly.

I am a concerned Musician because if Kenya burns, The whole country burns!!!!”

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