Grandpa Records’ New Boy Band Bendi Ya Serikali Drop First VIDEO for ‘Ustaarabu’

May 20, 2016

ustaarabuGrandpa Records music stable is out to revolutionize the local music industry. Having been accused of specializing in one genre of music, the recording stable has unleashed a totally new sound through a new boy band, Bendi Ya Serikali.
The new band comprises of Grandpa Vice President Visita, Dancehall maestro Dufla Diligon, ,GrandPa’s new kid on the block Sagodizo, Dj thamos and REV. They launched their debut track and video dubbed ‘Ustaarabu’ at Club Tribeka on Tuesday (May 17) night.
‘Ustaraabu’ is a feel good rumba cum benga fusion.
Grandpa Records CEO Refigah introduced the band saying, “This marks the revolution of the local music industry by Grandpa Records who have taken the initiative to come up with a sound that cuts across the younger and older generation by incorporating a fusion of Benga and Rumba with a swag,”
According to Refigah the Ustaarabu video shot on top of mount Ole Polo’s and parts of Maasai Mara cost them the sum of US dollars 15,000(1.5 Million Shillings).
Watch it below:

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