Calls for Employers To Boycott UoN Graduates After Sh100 Million MO Sound Destruction

May 17, 2016

It goes without saying that University of Nairobi students are the most primitive in Kenya. Just a few weeks from resuming studies after protests, they went on the rampage again on Saturday.
The US Embassy had organized a concert at the institution with Sauti Sol headlining.
The timing could not have been more wrong. The students started protesting against a new University rule banning any kind of cooking inside halls of residence. The institution recently reduced the cost of food at the students’ mess and then made it a rule that no cooking should be carried out in hostels. This is probably meant to reduce likelihoods of fires.
The students were obviously not amused and they took their anger out on the concert equipment at their premises. It is reported that about Sh100 million worth of damage was done. The organizers were MO Sounds Events, the same guys who do Groove Tours.
NaiLab founder Sam Gichuru had this to say on Facebook.


Very Sad
Kevin Mulei has worked really hard to build MO sound, he is the kind of person most students and business men alike admire and wish to be mentored by, so, I’m struggling to understand why UON students in their anger against their VC would do this to a private business man, who was there to help them with their event.
I’m made to understand this damage was over 100M. This man offers jobs to the same graduates, many peoples careers have kicked off at MO sound. This is really sad for anyone who has hustled so hard to build a business.

I think it’s time we all agreed, we cannot be supporting institutions that breed such characters.
As Sam Gichuru, I will not participate or support activities related to UON, the few students that will want to interact with us will undergo rigorous vetting as well. I call upon KEPSA members, hard working hustlers like Mulei and the business community, to do the same.
Yes, some will suffer for the actions of others, which is very unfortunate, but the loses we experience in traffic and business because of their riots & violence have to stop, water will find it’s level.
We cannot continue to support and reward bad behaviour. They are our future leaders, It starts here and end up in Parliament. Let’s stop it, before it becomes contagious.

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