Leonardo DiCaprio Finally Wins an Oscar

March 1, 2016

leo1As sure as the sun, the moon, and most basic laws of modern physics, Leonardo DiCaprio has won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his work in The Revenant. Presenter Julianne Moore, who won Best Actress at last year’s awards, waited a respectable amount of time before announcing DiCaprio’s name, as if to see if she could make time itself pause briefly in anticipation.
Born in 1974 without a statuette, Leonardo Willhelm DiCaprio has starred in over two dozen films, including Gangs of New York and The Basketball Diaries. He once had an uncredited role as Darlene’s classmate in a 1991 episode of Roseanne. To date, DiCaprio has won over 40 awards and has been nominated six times for an Oscar. This is his first win. The curse is broken.
Following an extended applause, DiCaprio thanked fellow nominees, the cast and crew of The Revenant (including Best Director winnerAlejandro Iñárritu), and even past collaborators like Martin Scorcese. DiCaprio ended his with a big note on the environment:
Other nominees in the category, who may or may not have even bothered to write acceptance speeches, include Bryan Cranston for Trumbo, Matt Damon for The Martian, Michael Fassbender for Steve Jobs, and Eddie Redmayne for The Danish Girl. And now, with Leo’s quest at an end, it’s time to start looking for the next perpetually snubbed performer to memeify.
Source – The Verge

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