Ageing Kibaki Reads Wrong Speech at Safari Park Hotel

February 19, 2016

KibakiFormer Head of State Mwai Kibaki on Thursday stopped his speech midway after realizing that it was for a past event.
Kibaki was attending the launch of the Kenya Integrated Water Sanitation and Hygiene Project (KIWASH) and Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (KRAPID) programmes at Safari Park Hotel when the unfortunate incident happened.
According to reports, the former president apologised to those in attendance informing them that the speech was for a previous function.
“I apologise, theses notes are for a different event, I apologise,” he said as everyone broke into laughter.
Among those in attendance were US Ambassador Bob Godec, Swiss Ambassador Ralf Heckner, and Water and Irrigation Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa.
The incident was reminiscent of Mugabe’s blunder last year when he delivered the wrong speech at the opening of a new parliament session.

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