Egyptian Court Sentences 3-year old To Life in Prison

February 24, 2016

egyptCAIRO — An apparent case of mistaken identity has landed a 3-year-old child in prison for life.
Ahmed Mansour Qorany Sharara was found guilty last week of killing three people and sabotaging public and private property in Egypt when he was only 16 months old, CNNreported.
The child was originally supposed to be arrested in 2014, but when police realized that he was a toddler, they arrested the boy’s father, Mansour Qorany Sharara, instead.
He was in custody for four months before a judge released him.
Shortly after the arrests, the military announced that it wanted a 16-year-old who has the same name as the child, CNN reported.
Attorneys have asked if it was a case of mistaken identity, why did the now-3-year-old get arrested, and police have yet to charge the teen who they said participated in protests in support of President Mohamed Morsy that turned violent in the area of Fayyoum, Egypt.
More than 100 defendants were named within 24 hours of the protests and clashes. Ahmed’s father was out of the country when the uprising happened, an attorney claimed.
Despite the verdict against the child, an aide to the Interior Minister said that the boy and his father will not be jailed. But Ahmed’s mother said that police did ask her the location of Ahmed and his father.
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