John Kerry Really Loves This Blue Suit.. He Wore it Throughout His Kenyan Stay

May 6, 2015

Wearing the same suit two days in a row is nothing new to many. I remember one of my high school teachers was so notorious that he actually wore same suit Monday through Friday. It was especially bad when it was his new very conspicuous shinny silver suit.
It is common practice for men, no matter the position in society to wear same suit several times a week, but it is recommended this should be a nondescript colour eg. charcoal or navy blue. Also, one should try to have the right mixing, eg. Monday and Thursday etc.. and not two days in a row.
Well, US Secretary of State John Kerry does not follow this unwritten rule. He was in the country since Sunday, and left yesterday for a surprise Somalia visit.
On Monday, he met President Uhuru Kenyatta, Cord leader Raila Odinga and Chief Justice Willy Mutunga among other people. He was wearing a blue suit, which I thought made him really stand out (as if he had not done that already).
Yesterday as he met activist Boniface Mwangi, Kerry was once again spotting a blue suit… or do I say the blue suit.
Well, no one is saying he doesn’t have several blue suits, but just like my high school teacher and his silver suit(s), Kerry’s shade of blue is quite conspicuous.
See what I mean.
Well, this article by Elite Daily explains ‘The Science of simplicity: Why successful people wear the same thing everyday’

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