Ringtone Goes Back To The Street – PHOTOS

February 17, 2015

Ringtone has despite his dark past as a neglected and abandoned street-urchin risen through the ranks to be the successful and popular gospel artiste he is in Kenya right now.
Well, after many years in the local entertainment spotlight, the veteran musician has decided to go back to the same streets that he came from. This time round, the ‘party leo’ singer has come up with a humane mentor-ship initiative that is set to get street-kids out of the life and lifestyle they are now leading.
Below are some few photos of Ringtone taking part in the program he has newly launched.
Ringtone - street-kid program 1
Ringtone - street-kid program 2
Ringtone - street-kid program 3
Ringtone - street-kid program 4

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