Wilson Sossion’s Astronomical Payslip LEAKS

January 12, 2015

wilson sossionThe teachers are still on strike with the government having failed to meet their 200% pay hike demand.
KNUT chairman Wilson Sossion continues to play hardball, and it seems he’s loving all the attention from the different media house. Last week he called in live on NTV when the station was hosting Education Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi, and called him a liar.
He later went on Twitter and stated that Kaimenyi salary is 9375% higher than a P1 teacher’s.

It was therefore only a matter of time before his own salary leaked. From a photo making rounds on social media, Kaimenyi and Sossion are somehow in the same pay grade at Sh 940,000 basic pay a month.
The document may not be genuine, but the figures are not way off.
But I think it makes sense since he heads the biggest union in the country, and instead of sitting back and enjoying his salary, he fights for the teachers to enjoy theirs.

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