Vanessa Chettle Hangs Out With Magana Kenyatta (Photo)

January 6, 2015

Vanessa Chettle made big news the past year and ever since her name got into the spotlight, she did everything to ensure that she stays on top of her game and for that she rose through the ranks of top Kenyan socialites. Her love for partying and club hopping has seen her become a household name bringing her all the fame and sometimes shame.
The A-class celebrity status she has achieved so far has made her meet some of the biggest names in Kenya today. For instance, she met one of President Uhuru’s relatives known as Magana Kenyatta over the New year festivities at a popular restaurant. Here is a photo of Miss Chettle and Mr. Magana.
Vanessa Chettle and Magana Kenyatta

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