First Lady Margaret Kenyatta Turns 50 as First Son Jomo Turns 25

April 9, 2014

jomoDid you know that First Lady Margaret Kenyatta share a birthday with her son Jomo?
Yesterday must have been one heck of party at State House, as the two members of the first family marked one more year in their lives. Margaret was turning 50 as Jomo turned 25… He’s now exactly half her age, something that may not happen again in their lifetime, for those of you not good with math and puzzles.
Margaret took to Twitter to wish her son a good one.

The president also joined the party.

We’re not sure about Jomo, but we know Ngina Kenyatta can party hard.
Mark your calendar… June 23rd is her birthday and she turns 24. You may just get an invite.
Muhoho Kenyatta is barely legal, and is set to sit for his exam later this year.

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