VIDEO – Pharrell Williams ‘Happy’ (Safaricom Version)

March 21, 2014

safPharrell Williams’ Happy has been trending for several months now. It was part of Despicable Me 2 soundtrack album, and also served as the lead single of his second studio album, G I R L (2014). He wrote and produced it himself.
For quite some time, it topped the Billboard top 100, and has been a favourite of many radio stations.
Just recently, we posted a Kenyan version of the same.
READ: Pharrell Williams ‘Happy’ (Kenyan Version)
Safaricom has now jumped into the bandwagon and produced their own Happy video. Shot at their Westlands HQ, the video shows staff dancing along to the tune. It also brings us a rare glimpse of Safaricom House.
The video was part of the International Day of Happiness celebrations.
Watch it below.

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