Are The New State House Wall PHOTOS Out of Place?

February 20, 2014

State House Nairobi, one of the most iconic buildings in the country looks quite different. For some weeks now, the outside walls have been filled with historic canvas photos.
This is the first time something has been done to the plain white walls at the house on the hill. The photos are visible from the presidential photo ops visitors are given.
The most notable of them include President Uhuru receiving the sword of power, President Kibaki lifting the constitution and President Uhuru inspecting a guard of honour.
While photos are always a welcome addition to any house, I think they are out of place this time.
Have as many of them inside State House but leave the outside walls plain. If you must have them there, let them be the same size and orderly.
I also see no point of having photos that will be removed or replaced every few years by a new president… My opinion.
Here’s what I’m talking about.
And here’s the good old State House.

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