Maji Maji Appeals To Boniface Mwangi Not To Quit Actvisim

February 21, 2014

bonKenya’s fiercest activist Boniface Mwangi made headlines this week when he announced he had quit activism to concentrate on his family.
A lot of Kenyans have come out to wish the photojournalist well in his endeavors but some have been irked by the decision. One vocal Robert Alai was very disappointed doubting Boniface’s activism credentials.
Ghetto radio station manager Maji Maji is the latest to share his thoughts about the move and he reckons Boniface should not have quit.

“I think Boniface Mwangi and the likes should not retire but focus on systems, offenses and not personalities within the system. That way they will be able to liberate and put pressure on the systems to work while checking on offenses. In that process opportunities will be highlighted and not only highlighted but how to tap into them. Information about life opportunities is kept from so many which ends up promoting nepotism and other social vices
Imagine a game of soccer without the whistle blower (yani ref), how many players would get away with fouls, hand ball, offside goals! e.t.c…
In the second chapter, they should focus on the small things that count and result to the big change to the ordinary mwananchi. A little everyday will impact on the mass since the middle class and the rich wait for results… if positive, they claim it and if negative they run away from it.
For now Boni you can enjoy peaceful times with your family and kids. It is also a good feeling and as rewarding.”

The messages are welcome, but I doubt they’ll change his mind.

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