NTV news anchor Larry Madowo is set to take Kiss 100 big breakfast host Caroline Mutoko on a dinner date this valentines. The two arranged the date on Wednesday via twitter. This was after a lot of publicizing on Kiss 100. This is how the conversation played out.
@LarryMadowo Hey you 🙂 I believe you and I need to get together. Valentine’s Day?
@CarolineMutoko sounds great! But we’ll go to a restaurant of my choice and tape it for #theTrend — Larry Madowo (@LarryMadowo) January 29, 2014
@LarryMadowo Good morning. Restaurant of your choice? But ofcourse. Taping it for #theTrend? Work? I’m trying to get to know you #wink — Caroline Mutoko (@CarolineMutoko) January 29, 2014
@CarolineMutoko and I’m happy to be known. If you ignore the cameras, I can be quite charming! *wink*
— Larry Madowo (@LarryMadowo) January 29, 2014
@LarryMadowo sooooo, no cameras? Does that mean you want me all to yourself *wink*? — Caroline Mutoko (@CarolineMutoko) January 29, 2014
@CarolineMutoko we’ll keep the cameras out of sight, they can zoom in. That way, I can have you all to myself 🙂 — Larry Madowo (@LarryMadowo) January 29, 2014
@LarryMadowo Okey – we’ve established you want me all to yourself. Are we going out of town or dinning in the city. A girl’s got to plan 🙂
— Caroline Mutoko (@CarolineMutoko) January 29, 2014
@CarolineMutoko I’ve got favourite restaurants out of town as well. Your pick 🙂
— Larry Madowo (@LarryMadowo) January 29, 2014
@LarryMadowo Oh? Overnight or will you drive me right back 🙂 — Caroline Mutoko (@CarolineMutoko) January 29, 2014
@CarolineMutoko I will deliver you right outside your doorstep. When we’re done, whenever that will be — Larry Madowo (@LarryMadowo) January 29, 2014
@LarryMadowo Really? Charmed. Incidentally how many hours will this date take?
— Caroline Mutoko (@CarolineMutoko) January 29, 2014
@CarolineMutoko as long as we need, y’know
— Larry Madowo (@LarryMadowo) January 29, 2014