Kenyans Attack Robert Alai After He Abused Eric Wainaina on Twitter

November 26, 2013

On Sunday during Tusker Project Fame’s probation night, controversial blogger Robert Alai happened to pick on the academy principal Eric Wainaina.
In his characteristic self, the blogger made a harsh comment about the singer – a decision he’s probably regretting.
A close-up shot of Eric Wainaina makes him look like a fat mboch on TV. #TPF6″ that was his tweet.

It appears that Eric got wind of it yesterday, and gave Alai the perfect reply.

Thanks @RobertAlai you’re always so encouraging. I’ve always wanted to look like a fat domestic worker

That motivated other Kenyans on Twitter to speak out on how they really feel about Alai. The tweets were many and vicious. Here are a few.

Eric Wainaina’s response has knocked Alai back to the colonial era. LOOL – @Masaku_

Eric Wainaina bodied Alai in just one tweet! LOL – @SalivaVic

I didn’t know Alai’s real name is Simon of Cyrene. – @masaku_

Alai alizimwa na fire extinguisher, mchanga na foam by Eric wainana hio hata haina come back una lenga kama chuviu…” – @JoeWMuchiri

That Alai’s mboch tweet ricocheted on him like a 9mm round does on lead plate – @alan_wachira

Lol alai is a sick fuck though! You’ll lol at his sub then a minute later he’s insulting you from his walalahoi a/c. Smh – @Lencer_B

Alai anachapwa stopper anaona afadhali lane yake ya kuuza gadgets kama Gbs – @BorNNy_En

@KResearcher: Before joining the Mau Mau,Robert Alai was a teacher #KenyanHistory” – @EvansO_

#Celebrating50Years of ujinga ya Alai – @razy_kushite

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