Relief For Rongai Man As Dillish Mother Acknowledges He’s Dillish Father

September 5, 2013
Abdi Guyo

The past few days have been hectic for Abdi Galgayo Guyo. On Monday, he stepped into Standard offices and recorded an interview saying he was Big Brother Winner Dillish’s biological father.
He said he fathered Dillish during a peace keeping mission in Namibia in 1989.

On Wednesday, Dillish announced on Twitter that there was no way Guyo was her dad. In a series of tweets, she wondered where ‘this weird dude’ had fallen from. She claimed that her dad was of Somali origin.
Why is this weird dude claiming to be my dad! My dad is Somali! Where did he fall from haaaaaaai ” she tweeted.

Yesterday however, Dillish mum positively identified Guyo as the man he claims to be. In a Google hangout held at Standard offices, and the Kenyan embassy in Namibia, Guyo and Selma (Dillish mother), were reunited after 23 years.. albeit virtually.
Selma asked Guyo about some of his colleagues, and they would all laugh together.

At the end of the chat, Guyo was invited to Namibia for Dillish’s 23rd birthday, just one week from now. Dillish uncle, who was present, also told him to bring with him lots of Shillings.

Watch that video below.

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