Kethi Kilonzo, Duale, Alai, Audrey Mbugua, Sonko and others Engage in a Facebook Conversation – Hilarious

July 10, 2013
And the Kethi Kilonzo FB Ndrama continues:

KETHI updates;

“I wish I knew”

(Uhuru,Ruto,Harun Mwau,Philip Kaloki and 2,600 others LIKE this)

@Kethi,dont worry. I am addressing Kenyans at 2pm today. Its not over yet.

@Kalonzo,”Addressing Kenyans”??? LMFAO! Who listens to You anymore??

@Sonko…FYI,Alot of Kenyans listen to Me! And my family listens to me too…starting with my beautiful wife,Pauline…

@Hubby,Hmmm,Keep me out of this please…And I dont think its nice to lie in public please… ‎#just_saying

@Pauline,Pwahahaha,thats a gudu one! @Kethi,fimbo imechapa! Atleast sasa utapata time ya kulea nywele…‎#idle_thoughts…haha

SOSSION: @Kethi,Be strong. Solidarity Forever.

SONKO: @Sossion,umeleta nyimbo za KNUT FB eh?? Hehehe,enyewe unafaa ujoin choir ya church juu sioni mkilipwa doh…‎#broke_chairman

SOSSION: @Sonko,do not accentuate my temper. And 4ua info,the president has plegded to pay us a total of Ksh.17 Billion…

UHURU: 17 Billion??? Who promised?? Me??? Hmmm,Okay…

RUTO: @Uhuru,Pwahahaha,I Know Right?? I was about to call You…

KAZUNGU KAMBI: @Ruto,hehehe dreamers will continues to saying thing which arent even believe. Shaking My Dam Headache (SMDH)

MUTHAMA: Waaaaah,Isnt it ironical? Mtu anaitwa KAZUNGU na hata hajui KIZUNGU!

KIBAKI: @Uhuru and Ruto,Hako kamtu ni very stubborn…katawakula kichwa,kapatieni pesa kanyamaze…

MARY WAMBUI: @Kibaki,and by the way,as the MP for Othaya,I dont like the loud noise that comes from your Ksh.500 million house every night. You are disturbing the peace ya watu wa Othaya. Puguza makerere! Huku sio Muthaiga!

LUCY KIBAKI: @Mary,Grrrrrr,chame on You! MP wa Othaya kitu gani! You forget there is a petition in court challenging your erection?? Núú Úyú! Let my hubby celebrate his money in peace! ‎#team_party_dont_stop

BONIFACE MWANGI: @Lucy,his money?? Which Money?? It IS OUR MONEY!!

ATWOLI: @Boniface,chunga ama tukung’oe meno tena! Mushenzi!

KIBAKI: @Wife,thaaaanx dia! I always knew I can count on You. Hawajui mimi ni Baba Yao…

MARY WAMBUI: @Kibaki,Baba Ya nani? Umesahau wewe ni Baba Ya Winnie pia??

ARTUR MARGARYAN: You mean I was banging the Presidents daughter??

CIKU MUIRURI: @Artur,And me too! You forget!

OBAMA: No wonder I skipped Kenya. Too much crap!

RUTO: @Obama,puh-leeeze! Nobody missed You here. Go and preach your gay gospel in hell!

OBAMA: @Ruto,Well,atleast I wont be crying while preaching…

AUDREY MBUGUA: @Obama,hahaha,ati crying,wah hiyo ni kali budah!

OBAMA: @Audrey,what do You mean by “Hiyo ni kali buda” ??

MARY WAMBUI: @Obama,I thinks she means,”That is Car Donkey…”

SONKO: @Mary,Buahahaha,ati nini? Si gari~ni Kali. Na sio Punda ~ni Budah!

RAILA: @Sossion,stay put. @Kethi,the struggle continues…

KABOGO: Oh,Raila is here too! I thought You would ask the Founders of Facebook to create a special VIP comment box for You….LOL!

RAILA: @Kabogo,Pleeeze! Am past cheap politicians like You! Am on a whole new level these days…I’m busy rolling with Obama while you’re busy fighting with chairs at the Kiambu County Assembly…

OBAMA: @Raila,I dont need to be rude but if I remember right,the last time we “rolled” was back in 2005. And I was still a senator. Nway,hope You good bro!

BISHOP WANJIRU: @Kethi,Fear Not. God is with You. Its NOT OVER until its over!

MITHIKA LINTURI: @Wanjiru,hehehe,You still exist? Maisha iko aje? Najua siku hizi unaharakisha washirika sana eh? Hehehe,mshahara hakuna. Umerudi ku-hustle sadaka. Lol!

ADAN DUALE: @Linturi,Buahahaha,ati hustle sadaka? Wah! Enyewe hata ma-allowances hakuna…siku hizi fomu ni ya tithe…

BISHOP WANJIRU: @Really? Look whose laughing? How come I didnt see you laughing when Bonface Mwangi wrote your names across the dirty buttocks of a fat pig? Suckers!

MILLIE ODHIAMBO: Hey guys,aki endeni kwa wall ya SAMSUNG MOBILE and LIKE my photo! Pliiiz!

PETER KENNETH: @Millie,done!

TUJU: @P.K,Wah! Av missed You! See we meet 4 coffee kesho??

PK: @Tuju,Oh Yea sure! Missed You too! Yap,we can meet for coffee kesho and maybe a walk later. Deal?

C.I.D DIRECTOR: @Tuju,We have NOT yet completed investigations with You yet. Am sorry tommorow You will not be available.

ROBERT ALAI: I know who killed Ogunda.

KIMEMIA: @Alai,And I know who is about to spend the rest of their life in jail.

ALFRED MUTUA: @Kimemia,Hahaha Yeah Right! We should speed up those court cases. I cant wait to see that nigga tweeting from Kamiti.

SENIOR WARDEN KAMITI: Am sorry but if You are going to jail Alai. He isnt welcome here plz.

WETANGULA: @Wasee,Wasee ebu chekini T.V. Kalonzo ako na Press Conference…

ADAN DUALE: T.V gani? GBS? Hahaha!

NGILU: Labda UTV…pwahahaha!

MARY WAMBUI: Pwahahaha,ati UTV? Gai Mwathani! *Dedan Kimathi*

NAMWAMBA: @Mary,Dedan Kimathi??? Once again,its DEAD AND CREMATED! SMDH!

*Kethi pulls down update*

-Courtesy Cabu Gah
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