25 American Companies Richer Than Kenya

May 22, 2013

Kenya’s GDP (2011) was 33.62 billion US dollars. Our neighbours Tanzania and Uganda have GDPs of 23.87 and 16.81 respectively. Our brothers in West Africa, Ghana, have a slightly higher GDP than ours at 39.2.
Our more developed brothers, South Africa, have over ten times our GDP, at $408.2 billion.

For us to understand the real meaning of a third world country, the following are 20 corporations with higher revenue than our country Kenya and by extension many African countries. 
Mind you, there are more than 100 richer than East Africa’s largest economy, as opposed to only 4 richer than South Africa. 
These are only US companies. Others like Samsung, BP and Tata, whose origin is not USA, still have larger revenue than Kenya’s GDP.

Exxon Mobil Corporation Oil & Gas $482
Walmart Retail $469
Chevron Oil & Gas $253
ConocoPhillips Oil & Gas $251
Apple Electronics $156
General Motors Automotive $150
General Electric Conglomerate $147
Berkshire Hathaway Conglomerate $144
Ford Automotive $136
Cargill Food Processing $134
AT&T Telecommunications $127
Valero Energy Oil and gas $126
McKesson Pharmaceuticals $123
Hewlett-Packard (HP) Computer hardware $120
Verizon Telecommunications $110
Koch Industries Conglomerate $110
Cardinal Health Pharmaceuticals $107
CVS Caremark Retail $107
IBM Computer services $107
United Health Group Health Care $102
Amazon.com Internet $34.2
Cisco Networking $40.04
Pepsi Soft Drink $55.62
Proctor and Gamble Household Products $79.69
Wells Fargo Conglomerate $93.249
Google Inc Internet $50

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