Confirm If You Are A Registered Voter Here.

January 13, 2013
The Independent Election and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is proving to be at the forefront in embracing technology. For the first time ever, Kenyans are now able to confirm their party registration details by just entering their National ID numbers on a computer. This move by the election body brought transparency and helped detect fraudulent party registrations.
Many people including several journalists, have found their names in registers of parties irregularly. Some days back, this was a big issue, with TNA emerging as the party with the most fraudulent registrations (based on online complains). The registrar of political parties elaborated on how to de-register yourself from any party, in case you did not approve your registration. Without the online system to check the registration status, many Kenyans would have probably never found out if they were fraudulently registered.

The IEBC has not stopped there. Now, you can check if you are a registered voter. Just like the party registration, you key in your ID number in a text area and if you are indeed registered, the following details will be displayed: Your Name, Polling Station, Ward, Constituency and County.
If the details are inaccurate, you should visit your polling station by January 27th
Enter your ID Number in the box provided (you may need to scroll)


If your browser does not display anything, visit the following links.

To check your party registration details – This Link
To check your voter registration details – This Link 

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