Winners Chapel Nairobi Behaving Badly

September 12, 2012

Residents neighbouring Winners Chapel in Adams Arcade are up in arms after the church directed its raw sewage into a stream that passes next to the church. According to sources, the church decided to empty its waste into the stream after its toilets overwhelmed the sewage system network.

The sources divulged that officials of the Nairobi City Waterand Sewerage Company whose Woodley offices are a few hundred metres away gave the church green light. NCWSC, it is said, found it difficult to keep on repairing the sewer that would burst every Sunday especially when  it rains. The sewer now flows through Moi Girls Secondary School into Kibera slums, making life hell for those living next to the stream who have to bear with unbearable foul stench.
To pollute the stream, the church allegedly pays NWSC staff at woodley who drive around in a company pick-up car, KAW 234K. The same car is used to collect money from water sellers in the slum who collude with the staff to have water diverted to their pipes while other lines are closed creating artificial shortage, that sees slum dwellers flock to the favoured water points. Behind the scam, it is alleged, is a pot – bellied dark man who sits in the passenger seat of the pick-up looking for bribes.
by Citizen

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