Campus Divas For Rich Men

August 29, 2012

University Girls Take Prostitution To Facebook

Campus Divas For Rich Men is a Facebook page that has elicited lots of interest especially after receiving special airtime during Kiss 100’s rush hour with Kalekye and Shaffie and this morning from Caroline Mutoko. The page is dedicated to hooking up University girls under 26 with rich men of any age.
In a period of less than 2 months, the page has accumulated close to 10,000 likes, with 7000 of those gained less than 24 hours after Kiss 100 highlighted their plight.
The administrator of the page constantly posts pictures and descriptions of University ‘divas’ and what they would want in a man. In all those posts, rich is usually the bottom line. There is a very clear policy in the page that sufferers and ugly chicks are not welcome, and this is a point the admin keeps putting across. This is how he / she does it.

wow! divas and rich men who are invading our inbox that’s very cool, we will reply your texts in time…As for the sufferers continue yapping

If you are a sufferer, a struggler you cannot find help here, you need divine help. Call on the lord to come 4 ur rescue. Here we only help rich men we do not tolerate hustlers here

This is PLACE FOR DIVAS!! UGLY apes go jump on trees this is not a place for you

Sufferers keep off the page. go wank elsewhere
It had been thought that the pictures posted by the administrator are random internet images, but Kiss 100 callers yesterday confirmed that they indeed recognize some of those girls. Some said they were their friends who refused to heed to their advise and not only joined the page but also sent the admin their details.
Despite the numerous negative comments the page receives, the divas rarely take notice. The admin always put on a brave face. He or she even organizes parties where they take the online hook ups offline. 

Here are some party notices:

SEX PARTY!! SEX PARTY!! on 7th September, where RICH men will have all the content of their gen*** milked out!

For the venue of the sex party where 300 pus**** will battle 100 di*** in a life or death struggle, hit our inbox.


Below are are some of the attacks directed at the admin and the ‘divas’

u nt divas find th appropriate name….ass *#*s 

campus gals u must be the devil herself dont u have some respect for urselfs and ur parents who spent a lot for u yet u go and engage in prostitution, u need some delivery and strong prayers


delilah’s are everywhere.go to hell ladies.a foolish man will spend money on you guys
ati divas? Do u knw what that means mko down tu sana
Crazy campus girls… hell is yo place!!!
If campus chick can go to the extend of showing and selling off their bodies for money,then kenyan men indeed we are that of value.keep looking for rich men…N get used like a toilet paper coz thats all you are….as the kenyan men…continue keeping your wallets and ATM’s safe from these bitches
Since when did prostitutes become Divas?? Y’all are just a bunch of prostitutes forget the fake glamour.. Y’all seriously are pathetic.
I cant imagine myself as a rich man wt class associating myself wt such cheapy lousy bitches,i go 4 my type,this beats logic!



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