Cheryl Kitonga: The Lady Who Was With Jacob Juma The Night He Died (PHOTOS)

May 24, 2016

cheryl16The police recently revealed that Jacob Juma was last seen with a female partner. Apparently, Juma had hosted the lady at his apartment in Westlands before dropping her in town at around 8pm.
For obvious reasons, the police did not reveal the identity of the lady.
However, Mohammed Ali and Dennis Onsarigo thought it wise to tell the whole country who it was, despite the likelihood that she had absolutely nothing to do with the murder.
Her name is is Cheryl Kitonga, a former Marketing student at the University of Nairobi.
Juma was renowned for his numerous Facebook ‘girlfriends’, some of whom shared shameful screenshots of their text exchanges. It is therefore assumed Cheryl was one of those who ‘entered box’.
In their investigative piece on Juma’s murder, Moha and Onsarigo went further and aired a phone conversation between Cheryl and the taxi driver who took her to Juma’s house on that fateful day.
They are both heard admitting to recording statements with the police, but Cheryl goes a step further and talks of her tribulations since that day.
Unaware that she’s being recorded, Cheryl talks of how her workmates are in the dark. She tells the cab guy that she still lives with her parents who have no idea of her involvement with Juma.
Upon exposing her on National TV, Moha and his colleague technically destroyed a lady’s life, who’s only offense was getting involved with a man who would later be murdered. Perusing through her Facebook shows that the girl is probably in a relationship, which I’d be surprised if it’s still intact after last night.
I would think it would have been more logical to air the phone conversation without exposing her, but again Moha has a history of such behavior.
Ciku Muiruri has never forgiven him for linking her to the Artur Brothers after a reported personal disagreement between them.
Some photos of Cheryl Kitonga from her now deleted Facebook. (Watch out for fake Facebook pages and Twitter handles cropping up)


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