Louis Otieno’s Son Ecstatic as He Celebrates 2nd Anniversary With Mzungu Husband Last week, Silas Miami, the son of veteran TV broadcaster Louis Otieno marked his 2nd wedding anniversary. The openly gay and legally married Silas December 16, 2021 lifestyle·TL
I had no Relationship with my Father – Louis Otieno’s Son Louis Otieno’s son, Silas Miami, has come out with details about his relationship with his father. Miami, who is based in South Africa, disclosed September 24, 2018 lifestyle·TL
“Louis Otieno Would Sneak Into Careen’s Apartment After Bribing Guards” – Witness Louis Otieno used to sneak into the apartment of Ms Careen Chepchumba after bribing guards, a family friend told a Kibera court on Tuesday. Mr June 8, 2016 News·TL
POLL: Do You Believe Louis Otieno? Former TV anchor Louis Otieno on Friday shocked the courtroom when he said that Ms Careen Chepchumba was sexually abused by her father. Louis June 6, 2016 News·Poll·TL