FUNNY PHOTO- This Car Owner Has Had Enough of Side Mirror Thieves In a bid to outsmart Nairobi thugs who prey on vehicle parts, car owners have had to adopt some strange methods. One of the April 7, 2015 Humour·TL
Funny Warning Sign Spotted at a Urinal (PHOTO) Every guy likes to believe that his ‘package’ is big and as a result it can lead to some messy habits in public urinals. April 7, 2015 Humour·TL
HILARIOUS! This Is How Hotel Bill Defaulters Were Dealt With Over Easter Holiday Major holidays call in for big celebrations and for that to be effectively marked, lots money has to be spent in facilitating the good April 7, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Hilarious Trending Images Today Since yesterday, Hesh de Silva has been trending. Our story on how he may be a ‘Waiganjo’ has cause quite an uproar, and you April 2, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Sonko’s Conversation with Obama… The April Fools Prank That we Almost Fell for Yesterday our main story was an exclusive about an Al Shabaab threat at Kenyatta University that caused a stampede, and nearly everyone thought it April 2, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Throwback VIDEO – Frustrated Luhya Guy Responding to Obama Skipping Kenya in Last Visit to Africa The big news this week has been Obama’s impending visit to the country. The news came just as Kenyans had lost all hope on April 2, 2015 Humour·TL
Hilarious..This is What G Money Does When Stuck in Traffic (VIDEO) What do you do when you are stuck in traffic? You most probably curse then nap or you get so annoyed you wanted to April 2, 2015 Entertainment·Humour·TL
The Trending Images This Wednesday From the list of shame to Obama’s homecoming, these are the trending images today. [slideshow_deploy id=’70160′] April 1, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
These are The Best ‘Obama Coming To Kenya’ Memes You’ll See All Week Kenyans are a crazy bunch. Since the announcement that U.S president Brack Obama would be coming back ‘home’, internet users have been busy creating April 1, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Video of The Day – Snake in The Toilet Prank (Hilarious) It’s time for another video of the day. This is definitelty a prank you don’t want anyone pulling on you. A huge snake interrupting your April 1, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Hilarious… This is How You Know Your Kid is Watching Too Much TV One thing about kids is that they pick up most of their knowledge from TV. Although some screen time may have its negative side April 1, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
HILARIOUS! Uhuru, First Lady, Sonko and Kidero ‘Prepare Way For Obama’ Now that it is has been officially confirmed that U.S President Barack Obama will finally be flying in the country in July, a lot April 1, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Obama Returns Home and Other Trending Images Today As you’ve already heard, US President Barack Obama is coming to Kenya this July. There are still 3 months to go, but a visit March 31, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
BREAKING NEWS: Kidero ‘Steps Aside’… Following his directive to have the Sonko Rescue team vehicles impounded, Nairobi governor Evans Kidero is not exactly the darling of the city at March 31, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
HILARIOUS! Have You Seen This Kenyan Made ‘Toyota COWrolla’ Kenyans are really creative. Months after coming up with our own car named Mobius, it has now come out that we are an innovative March 31, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Hilarious…Tunga Sentensi Ukitumia Neno ‘Huru’ It is Monday once again and as usual we go out of our way to try and kill your monday blues. Here’s a hilarious March 31, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL
Davido’s Quickie and Other Hilarious Trending Images This Monday We’re almost done with March, and what better way to mark the end of the month than attend a Davido concert, so we thought. March 30, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Check Out This Home Made Wooden Bicycle (PHOTO) “You must be the person you have never had the courage to be. Gradually, you will discover that you are that person, but until March 30, 2015 Humour·TL
The Trending Images This Furahiday The trending images that finalize our week are ready. Lets do this. [slideshow_deploy id=’69546′] March 27, 2015 featured·Humour·Social Media
Trust Me, You Do Not Want What This Couple is Smoking(PHOTO) According to what I’ve heard, being in love is a blissful thing. Finding that someone you can be yourself with and do crazy stuff March 27, 2015 Humour·Social Media·TL