Public Participation Results Show 116,269 Kenyans Favor Gachagua’s Ouster

October 9, 2024

Recent public participation results reveal strong support among Kenyans for the impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

A report released by Parliament on Tuesday indicated that 116,269 Kenyans who participated in the nationwide forums voted in favor of Gachagua’s ouster, while 69,195 opposed the motion.

Parliament noted that nine constituencies unanimously supported Gachagua’s removal, with 100% backing the motion. These constituencies include Kirinyaga Central (120 votes), Magarini (145), Balambala (313), Daadab (305), Fafi (121), Kuresoi North (39), Lafey (247), Mandera South (102), and Mogotio (454).

Additionally, several counties recorded 99% support for the impeachment, including Butere (370), Ijara (230), Likuyani (362), Kibwezi West (501), Kinango (102), Konoin (502), Lamu East (542), Likoni (824), and Bondo (317).

Counties showing near-unanimous support also include Mandera East (376), Mandera North (391), Mt. Elgon (388), Mumias West (503), Sirisia (426), Tarbaj (124), Taty (373), and Tongaren (148).

Conversely, several constituencies, particularly in the ‘Murima’ areas, opposed the motion, with Mathira leading at 5,598 votes (97%). Gilgil recorded 1,002 votes (97%), Kigumo with 4,754 votes (95%), Kinangop with 708 votes (96%), and Kipipiri with 1,608 votes (98%).

However, a discrepancy arose in the document when Parliament reported that 43 people in Keiyo South participated, yet stated that 70 residents voted for impeachment and 1 opposed it. This inconsistency has raised concerns about the credibility of the reported figures, leading the House to suggest it may be a clerical error.

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