Hilarious Memes After Mpesa Outage on Tuesday

January 10, 2024

On Tuesday, millions of Kenyans were left stranded after Safaricom’s Mpesa experienced a nationwide outage.

Mpesa receives millions of transactions a day, and essentially runs the economy. In recent years, the service has experienced numerous outages which have paralyzed businesses and left millions of Kenyans who don’t carry cash around with no alternatives.

Yesterday, Kenyans using the service received a message informing them to attempt the transaction again after 10 minutes, which inconvenienced those who were at points of payments, such as supermarkets and petrol stations.

It was unclear what caused the outage, but services were soon restored.

As usual, Kenyans on Twitter were quick to make fun of the situation. Here are some of the best memes.


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