Nairobi MCA Denies Funding Al Shabaab and Having Extra-Marital Affairs With Female MCAs

March 2, 2018

Spring Valley/Matopeni MCA Abdi Guyo has denied recent reports that he has been funding criminal activities, including terrorism, in Nairobi city.

“I abhor al Shabaab and its activities. I am not their sympathiser and I don’t know who runs the terror group,”said Guyo yesterday.

The Nairobi Majority leader also revoked claims he has been engaging in sexual affairs with female Nominated MCAs.

In his contributions at the Assembly on Wednesday, Guyo accused cartels of spreading the rumors in order to silence him because of his stance against corruption.

“I have never been involved in any criminal activity, Madam Speaker. I am a leader in this house, in my ward and in the whole of Nairobi. What is happening is pure intimidation and character assassination.”

On claims of having clandestine affairs with fellow MCAs, Guyo noted his Islamic beliefs do allow him to be promiscuous.

“Madam Speaker, I am a married man with three children – two handsome boys and a beautiful girl. My wife has never complained that I have affairs outside our marriage.”

The second time ward representative further said his troubles began two weeks ago, immediately after they discussed EALA MP Simon Mbugua’s role at City Hall.

Guyo claimed he has bean receiving calls from private numbers, threatening him over what transpired in the chambers.

“Madam Speaker, these are cartels. They are trying to intimidate and beat me to silence. But I state here that I will not be cowed, intimidated or silenced. I will continue to discharge my mandate,” he added.

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