Tobacco Industry Blamed for Delays in Implementing Graphic Health Warnings

February 4, 2025

The Kenya Tobacco Control and Health Promotion Alliance has raised alarm over significant delays in implementing critical tobacco control policies, warning that these setbacks are undermining public health efforts.

Joel Gitali, Chairman of the Kenya Tobacco Control and Health Promotion Alliance, emphasized that while progress has been made in reviewing graphic health warnings for tobacco and nicotine products, their official gazettement has been stalled since June 2023, leaving crucial public health measures in limbo.

The proposed graphic health warnings aim to increase awareness of the dangers of tobacco use, deter new users, encourage current users to quit, and communicate risks to non-literate populations. However, the delay in their implementation has sparked concerns about the government’s commitment to combating tobacco-related health issues.

Gitali also criticized the sluggish pace of amending the Tobacco Control Act, despite collaborative efforts involving the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health, and civil society organizations.

“We have made progress in reviewing graphic health warnings, but their gazettement has stalled since June 2023. This delay is unacceptable because it directly impacts public health,” Gitali stated. He urged the Ministry of Health to expedite the process, alleging that the tobacco industry may be behind the delays. “We suspect the tobacco industry is influencing these setbacks,” he added.

The mismanagement of the Tobacco Control Fund has also come under fire. The fund, intended to support public education, assist farmers in transitioning away from tobacco farming, and fund smoking cessation programs, has reportedly been misallocated. Gitali stressed that resources should prioritize strengthening cessation programs in county referral hospitals rather than being diverted to construction projects.

Gitali further highlighted concerns about the UN-backed Tobacco-Free Farms initiative, which helps farmers shift to alternative crops. While the program has shown positive results, its long-term success is threatened by inconsistent government support.

Calling for a united front against the tobacco industry, Gitali emphasized the need for coordinated efforts led by the Ministry of Health. “The industry continues to violate the law with impunity due to a lack of coordination. We need a cohesive strategy to safeguard public health,” he said. He also criticized ineffective sensitization programs conducted by ministry officials, urging greater transparency and proper utilization of funds.

To enhance efficiency, Gitali proposed devolving tobacco control efforts to county governments. “Since health is a devolved function, counties should be empowered to enforce tobacco control laws and lead public awareness campaigns,” he said. This approach, he argued, would strengthen the implementation of tobacco control measures nationwide.

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