Fourteen Arrested for Vandalizing and Stealing from MP Kuria Kimani’s Residence

July 8, 2024

Police in Molo sub-county have made significant progress in recovering stolen property and apprehending 14 individuals involved in the theft and destruction of MP Kuria Kimani’s property during recent youth-led anti-government protests.

Molo Sub-County Police Commander (SCPC) Timon Odingo confirmed the arrests, noting that they have already recovered a portion of the stolen livestock and other items, with efforts ongoing to capture all suspects involved.

“Among the items recovered are four cows out of the seven that were reported missing, with one already slaughtered. Additionally, various household items including duvets, tables, chairs, electronics and a printer have been recovered as well,” he said.

“Following the arrest of the 14 people, a manhunt will continue until all the culprits are brought to book and those arrested will face various charges including arson and theft,” he added.

He emphasized that those arrested will face charges including arson and theft, underscoring the ongoing manhunt for additional perpetrators.

Odingo expressed concerns about possible political influence in inciting the chaos that led to theft and protests, warning of severe consequences for anyone found culpable.

“We suspect that the theft and subsequent disturbances were orchestrated by political interests,” remarked Odingo.

“Our investigation is ongoing, and we are committed to bringing all perpetrators to book, regardless of their status,” the Molo SCPC added.

As the investigation progresses, the 14 suspects will be arraigned in court to answer charges related to theft and vandalism.

Property Damage

Meanwhile, police are utilizing CCTV footage from the property captured during the attack to identify more individuals involved in the incident.

During the protests, MP Kuria Kimani’s property sustained extensive damage, including the torching of two motor vehicles valued at millions of shillings, reducing them to ashes.

The MP’s Ford Ranger also suffered damage with its windscreen smashed by protesters, resulting in shattered glass strewn across the compound. Several windows of his home were smashed with stones.

The attackers also looted and vandalized other parts of the property, stealing hundreds of chickens and setting fire to a poultry shed housing 10,000 chickens, resulting in the loss of approximately 2,000 birds. Additionally, seven cows valued at Kes. 300,000 each and 29 goats were either stolen or killed. Various other properties belonging to the MP were either burnt or vandalized during the chaotic incident.

MP Kuria Kimani serves as the chairman of the National Assembly’s Finance and Planning Committee and was prominently associated with the withdrawn Finance Bill 2024.

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