Parliament to Debate Dismissal of CS Linturi Following Wetangula’s Approval of Motion

May 2, 2024

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula this week endorsed a motion to impeach Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi.

The motion, proposed by Bumula Member of Parliament Jack Wamboka, seeks to remove Linturi from the Cabinet due to alleged gross misconduct, substantial violation of the Constitution, and commission of a crime under national law.

In approving the motion, Speaker Wetang’ula expressed satisfaction that it fulfills all legal requirements and standing orders. He granted MP Wamboka permission to proceed with the impeachment motion, affirming that it meets the necessary criteria for consideration by the House.

“Consequently the grounds for dismissal of the Agriculture CS as contained in the proposed motion comply with the requirements of standing order 641a and 66. In view of the foregoing, the proposed special motion meets the applicable procedural requirement for it to be admitted to the next stage,” Wetangula directed.

The House must resolve the motion within seven days of its introduction, failure to which, it will collapse.

Members are slated to discuss the motion on Thursday following its introduction by Bumula MP, greeted with applause from fellow members.

During the debate, the House will decide whether to establish an 11-member committee to probe the CS and determine his guilt regarding the charges leveled against him.

According to Speaker Wetangula, the committee will be established if 117 MPs vote affirmatively, and they will have 10 days to conduct their investigation before reporting back to the House.

“The Select Committee shall within 10 days report to the assembly whether it finds the allegations against the Cabinet Secretary to be substantiated or otherwise. If the Select Committee report finds that the allegations are unsubstantiated, no further proceedings are taken thereafter,” Wetangula explained.

“However, if the Select Committee report finds that the allegations are substantiated, the House is required to afford the CS an opportunity to be heard and a vote whether to approve a resolution requiring dismissal of the Cabinet Secretary.”

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