
NTSA Conducts Nationwide Road Inspections as Schools Resume

May 13, 2024

Since morning, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has been conducting road safety compliance checks on highways nationwide.

The objective is to bolster road safety as students return to school following last week’s delayed reopening.

As part of the crackdown to ensure full compliance with road safety measures, both police and the road safety authority have seized several vehicles on various routes.

Random breathalyzer tests have also been administered during the inspections.

In a statement, NTSA stressed the importance of adhering to speed limits, maintaining lane discipline, and refraining from driving under the influence of alcohol.

“Together, let’s ensure our children arrive at school safely,” NTSA emphasized.

Major highways such as Mombasa-Nairobi, Narok-Nairobi, Sotik-Kisii, Kimilil-Chwele, and Kisii-Migori are among those where the agency has deployed checks. The operation commenced on Friday and will extend throughout the week.

Traffic police and NTSA officers are collaborating in this operation.

Along the Kisii-Sotik road, authorities impounded a school bus for having a defective speed limiter, faulty seat belts, faded chevrons and reflectors, and an expired road service license (RSL).

“School transportation, like all public service vehicles, must adhere to traffic regulations,” NTSA reiterated.

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