Njugush Shares Positive Update on Kes.8 Million Matatu Investment: “It’s Doing Well”

May 21, 2024

Comedian Njugush(born Timothy Kimani) has reported positive progress on his investment in the matatu sector.

The content creator joined the cutthroat industry a little over a month ago, registering his brand new 36-seater matatu with the Super Metro Sacco.

The public service vehicle, named after his firstborn son, Tugi, services the Rongai route.

“The greatest inspiration came from a training I attended a few months ago. They discussed converting liabilities into business assets, and since I was considering selling my car, it was the right move,” Njugush shared.

“After high school, we saw people starting as makangas and gradually becoming drivers. That made me believe you can succeed from any hustle.”

Njugush also highlighted the management convenience provided by Saccos

“I needed someone to manage it for me. It’s easier to have your car in a Sacco than to manage it yourself. The Sacco handles everything, including finding a driver and maintaining discipline.”

The actor funded his matatu purchase by selling his Toyota Prado TX, with his total investment amounting to over Kes.8 million.

“A plain matatu costs around Sh6.4 million, without the arts, screens, and other interior features. I sold my Prado and added more money to cover the total expenses.”

A month into the operation, Njugush reported; “It’s doing well, and I’m happy I took that step. It has been well received and is performing admirably in terms of customer satisfaction. The best feedback will come after a year.”

Although Njugush did not disclose the daily earnings of the matatu, he noted that it is meeting all its expenses and generating profit.

Additionally, he mentioned the matatu is being hired for events outside Nairobi on weekends, further boosting its earnings.

“My wish is to add more in the near future,” Njugush said.

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