
2024 Green Card Lottery: 3,760 Kenyans Secure Opportunity to Immigrate to the U.S

October 4, 2023

The U.S. Department of State is preparing to dispatch notifications to 3,760 Kenyans, informing them of their success in the Diversity Visa 2024 (Green Card) lottery and the opportunity to migrate to the United States.

According to the U.S. State Department, a total of 22,185,619 individuals submitted entries during the DV-2024 registration window, which spanned from October 5, 2022, to November 8, 2022.

A total of 143,000 applicants from diverse countries worldwide have been registered and notified to apply for an immigrant visa at various U.S. embassies. However, only 55,000 visas are available for this period, despite the larger number of individuals being notified.

Several factors contribute to individuals winning the lottery but failing to secure permanent resident visas. Reasons include ineligibility based on educational requirements, errors in application forms, and suspicion of fraud or deception. Additionally, some who meet all requirements may miss out on permanent residency simply because the 55,000 quota has been reached.

For Kenyan lottery winners, the process involves completing an application for permanent residency, undergoing a mandatory interview at the U.S. consulate, and obtaining permanent residency by September 30, 2024.

Kenya boasts one of the highest numbers of winners in the world.

To qualify for an immigrant visa, an applicant must either possess a high school education or its equivalent, or provide evidence of two years of employment in an occupation requiring two years of training or experience within the last five years.

The green card, also known as a permanent resident card, serves as an identification document confirming a foreigner’s residency status in the United States. It is tangible proof that the holder is a lawful permanent resident and has been officially granted immigration benefits, allowing them to reside and work in the U.S.

This document signifies the individual’s legal permanent residency in the U.S., affording them all the protections and rights granted under U.S. law. Despite not being a U.S. citizen, a cardholder possesses the right to live and work in the U.S. and is subject to U.S. tax obligations.

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