The Luckiest Numbers in Different Parts of the World

April 12, 2023

Numbers hold cultural significance around the world. Some of them are associated with misfortune and grief, while others are thought to bring good fortune and happiness.

And, in some cases, they can signify both – depending on who you ask.

Let’s take a look today at the luckiest numbers in different parts of the world.

The luckiest number in Kenya is 7

In Kenya, like many cultures around the world, certain numbers are considered lucky. One number that stands out as particularly lucky in Kenyan culture is the number 7.

This number is believed to have special powers and is associated with good fortune, positivity, and success.

In many Kenyan communities, the seventh day after a baby’s birth is celebrated as a special day of blessings and prayer. The number 7 is also considered lucky in Kenya due to its association with positivity and success.

For example, in the popular Kenyan sport of football, the number 7 jersey is often worn by the team’s most skilled and talented player.

This player is believed to bring good luck and success to the team, and the number 7 jersey is seen as a symbol of that success. 

13 is considered a lucky number by many Europeans

The number 13 is not generally considered a lucky number in Europe, but rather, it is considered unlucky. The number 13 is associated with a number of superstitions and negative beliefs, such as the idea that it is an unlucky number that brings bad luck or misfortune.

But there are exceptions to this unwritten rule.

In Italy, the number 13 is generally considered a lucky number. In fact, in Italian culture, the number 13 is often associated with good luck and prosperity. In some parts of Italy, for example, it is customary to give 13 sugared almonds as a wedding favor to the guests.

This tradition is said to bring the couple good luck and fertility. The number 13 is also associated with the goddess Venus, a goddess of love, beauty, and fertility in Roman mythology. 13 was her sacred number.

Last but not least, 13 is associated with the tombola in Naples, similar to the forms of number bet you can place at Betway. It is believed that winning a game of tombola on the number 13 brings good luck and fortune.

In Greece, 13 is also considered lucky for several reasons. One of them comes from ancient Greek mythology, where it was associated with Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth and midwifery.

Also, considering that Jesus had 12 apostles, the 13th in the group being himself, the Greek Orthodox Church considers 13 a symbol of the divine.

8 is the luckiest number in many Asian countries

In many Asian cultures, the number 8 is considered a lucky number due to its pronunciation and its association with wealth, prosperity, and success.

In China, the pronunciation of the number 8, “ba,” is similar to the word for wealth or fortune, “fa.” As a result, the number 8 is often considered a symbol of good fortune and prosperity, and it is commonly associated with business and financial success.

This belief in the auspicious nature of the number 8 is so strong that it has influenced many aspects of Chinese cultures, such as the design of buildings and the choice of phone numbers and license plates.

The belief in the luckiness of the number 8 is not limited to Chinese culture, however. In other Asian cultures, such as Japanese and Korean, the number 8 is also considered lucky.

In Japan, the number 8 is associated with the Buddhist eightfold path, which is a set of principles that lead to enlightenment. In Korea, the number 8 is considered lucky because it is believed to bring wealth and success.

In conclusion

While some numbers are considered unlucky in one culture, they may be lucky in another. Numbers hold deep cultural significance and have been woven into various traditions and beliefs.

Whether it’s the lucky number 7 in Kenya, the lucky number 13 in Italy and Greece, or the lucky number 8 in many Asian cultures, it is fascinating to explore how numbers can hold such strong beliefs and cultural significance.

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