
Seduce Us Instead of Preying on Our Girls, Millie Odhiambo Tells Sex Pests

March 6, 2023

Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo has spoken out against men who prey on young girls.

Speaking at Got Rabuor Primary school in Homa Bay Town Constituency during a student mentorship programme organised by Homa Bay Woman Rep Joyce Osogo, Millie expressed concern over rising defilement cases in the county.

Millie wondered why some men have sex with young girls yet there are many mature women in the county like herself who are open to being seduced.

“There are many women who just need men who can have sex with them. What is wrong with some men who just insist on defiling our girls,” she posed.

 “There are many women in the society including me who are ready for seduction including Amilo Geza Geza (Millie Odhiambo). Why can’t these men talk to us instead of going for young girls,” Millie added.

The outspoken lawmaker regretted how sex pests destroy the lives of girls, citing the case of a four-year-old girl who is undergoing surgery at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Hospital in Kisumu county after being sexually abused.

“The young girl was defiled by a man with a huge body. She sustained serious injuries in her genitals and is now undergoing a surgical operation. Are some people haunted by the devil?” she posed.

Millie Odhiambo called on the Judiciary to mete out harsher penalties on sexual offenders, saying this will help reduce defilement cases.

“The Judiciary should not demonstrate any form of leniency to anybody found guilty of sexual offences. We want harsh punitive measures taken against them,” Millie said.

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