
Nairobbery: How Cops Tried To Rob Forex Bureau Staff of Sh2 Million in the CBD

January 11, 2023

Detectives in Nairobi arrested four police officers Monday afternoon for allegedly attempting to rob staff of a foreign exchange bureau in Nairobi.

A police report identified the officers as Sergeant Daniel Wambua and Constable Stanley Mohammed Gitonga of DCI Kasarani; Corporal Eliud Bor attached to the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) in Gigiri, and Sgt Nicholas Murira attached to Mugutha police station in Juja.

Wambua, Gitonga and Bor are said to have accosted a businessman who runs Afro Forex Bureau along Mama Ngina Street. The businessman was in the company of a colleague and they had just withdrawn Sh2 million from a nearby bank.

“While along standard Street about 20 meters from their Forex bureau they were confronted by men who claimed to be police officers and informed them that they were after the said Mohammed Hassan who was carrying the bag containing the money and that he was wanted for an offence which they did not disclose,” part of police report reads.

Mohammed’s colleague, Hassan Omar, raised alarm which attracted security guards and CIPU officers who were guarding the nearby Dahabshil Forex Bureau.

A security guard from Afro forex bureau together with a manager took the bag containing the money to the forex bureau for safe custody.

The three suspicious officers proceeded to arrest Mohammed Hassan and Hassan Omar and drove them away in a white Toyota Premio(KBZ 036B). They said they were taking the two to the DCI headquarters along Kiambu Road.

Meanwhile, the owners of the forex bureau reported the incident to the police, who later intercepted the vehicle in Muthaiga.

The fourth suspected cop, Sgt Nicholas Murira, was found in the Toyota Premio. Two of the officers were armed with pistols.

Police impounded the vehicle and detained the four officers at the Regional police headquarters in Nairobi.

Investigations are ongoing with a view to charging the four with attempted robbery with violence.

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