
Govt To Equip Police With Modern Weapons in War Against Banditry

December 1, 2022

The government has announced plans to equip police officers in bandit-prone areas with state-of-the-art weaponry and gadgets.

Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS)  Prof. Kithure Kindiki said the government will procure modern equipment for police in the North Rift region and security agents attached to the Anti-Terrorism Police Unit (ATPU).

CS Kindiki said the government will prioritize the arming of the said security personnel in line with the Police Equipment Modernization Programme.

“We have taken a decision to upscale and revitalize the equipment modernization programme and acquire more air and land assets as well as personal protective equipment to enable you to perform your work better and efficiently. When you are protecting your fellow citizens, your own lives must also be protected from danger,” said Kindiki.

The CS spoke when he addressed specialized teams drawn from the General Service Unit (GSU), Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU), Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU) and Anti-Stock Theft Unit (ASTU) in Kakuma, Turkana County on Wednesday, November 30.

CS Kindiki said the government has since secured the necessary funding to acquire the modern equipment.

He also announced that in the coming days, President Ruto will unveil a task force to address the welfare of police officers.

“As you continue serving our country, the government is also thinking about your welfare and the welfare of your families. The Head of State will soon unveil a task force that will look into your welfare and compensation,” he said.

Kindiki also announced plans to transfer officers who have been serving in volatile workstations to less stressful stations. He said the government will also recruit 630 additional National Police reservists.

“Many of you have not been able to see your families for a long time. We should make it a bit feasible for your families to have a better life even as you serve the country in these difficult circumstances,” he said.

“We will make banditry, terrorism and cattle rustling a painful and costly experience for the perpetrators. We will finish them before they finish our people. We will pre-empt, thwart and neutralize the threats that they pose.”

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