
Dorcas Rigathi Announces Plan For Mass Police Weddings

November 28, 2022

The government will organise mass weddings for police officers, Second Lady Dorcas Rigathi has said.

Speaking on Sunday, Dorcas Rigathi said the mass weddings will be aimed at upholding family values and chaplaincy.

“We shall work together to strengthen families and to promote the sanctity and dignity of marriage. We shall encourage cohesive families and in order to do this with the National Police Service we shall organise marriages for uniformed police in mass weddings every year,” she said.

Pastor Dorcas spoke during the commissioning of 11 police officers to bishop, evangelists, and pastors at the Nyeri Administration Police Line.

She said the mass weddings will be handled under the Office of the Spouse of the Deputy President (OSDP).

Dorcas said her office will partner with the police chaplaincy, led by Chief Chaplain of the APs Bishop Dr. Kipkoech Kibet, in advocating for strong family values across the security service.

“There is a transformation happening in this country, even as we witness today’s occasion of our security officers being commissioned to the priesthood. I urge all officers to always stand by the truth, and they will succeed,” she said.

Dorcas maintained that strong families are the basic unit of society noting that she has been married to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua for 35 years.

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