Things To Know About Inooro TV anchor Wangechi wa Muriuki

March 14, 2022

Wangechi Wa Muriuki is a News Anchor at Inooro TV and a TV producer at Citizen TV.

She shares some fun facts about herself.

This year’s Women’s International Day found me at work. Later in the day I had a spa appointment then joined my family for a meal.

Diamond is shaped out of heat and pressure, I live by that mantra. Diamond doesn’t become spectacular overnight, it takes enough pressure and time to be polished. I’m that diamond. I trust the process.

I am not a motivational speaker. However, in my Instagram feeds I’m all about positivity which I choose to spread through my platform.

 I’m yet to experience my worst goof while on TV. However, there is this one time I forgot to place my phone on silent mode and it ended up ringing. The distraction was mayhem.

I don’t fancy wearing make-up especially when I am out of the studio. But that is not to imply make-up is bad. If my job requires me to wear it, I oblige.

The fun part about my job is that I get to meet different people, travel and also learn about other fields. It’s an exciting space for me.

The downside of my job is that it comes with so many expectations from the public. People will expect you to be dripping always even if you are just going to the shop. Argh!  Some will have opinions even about your personal life.

In my DM, I get many interesting messages from men, many appreciating my work. Others will be asking me out.

I don’t go through my man’s phone. It is not only an infringement of his privacy but also if I have an issue about anything I always choose to communicate with him to iron it out.

I have never gotten revenge on someone who hurt me. I’m a strong believer in Karma, ‘What you do unto others will be done unto you’.

Here is what I think about the cliché that ‘all men are dogs’. Dogs are loyal, sweet, protective and make great companions. I don’t believe in stereotyping men or any other group for that matter.

One thing my colleagues don’t really know about me is that I’m not a sanguine. The work environment makes me a very talkative person. But on the contrary, I’m an introvert.  I love my personal space.

By the way, this fuss on social media about ladies with foreheads is really interesting. I believe we are all beautiful in our own way. We, the forehead gang, should embrace every bit of it. Lazima tuonekane ala!

When choosing what to wear, I try to go for clothes that flatter my body. I rarely follow trends and choose to mostly stick to classics and clothes that resonate with who I am.

We should always help. Helping people is and should be a way of life. You don’t need to look far to help. Start with those around you.  It’s as simple as opening a door for someone.

Courtesy: Saturday Magazine

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