‘My People Want Me To Be With DP Ruto,’ says Wamuchomba as She Ditches Jubilee

June 24, 2021

Kiambu Woman Representative Gathoni Wamuchomba has switched political allegiance from President Uhuru’s Jubilee Camp to William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

Wamuchomba said she arrived at the decision to back DP Ruto after pressure from members of her constituency.

“I am aligning myself with the DP because that is where my people want me to be,” she said.

Wamuchomba marked her switch with a visit to Ruto’s residence on Wednesday, June 23.

Among those who welcomed her to the ‘Hustler’ nation was another Jubilee defector, nominated senator Millicent Omanga. “Warmest welcome to the hustler nation Kiambu Woman MP Gathoni Wamuchomba,” said Omanga.

Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu said he was saddened to see Wamuchomba leave their camp but respected her decision.

“I don’t agree with her, but this doesn’t change the respect I have for her. I wish her well as we now engage from across each other, politically.”

“For those of us who still believe in Jubilee, this is a lesson and a warning. Let’s focus on what’s important, as we fix this party. Then we will stop the loss of more valuable players,” he said.

Wamuchomba was part of a mass exodus from Jubilee that also included Kabete MP Githua Wamacukuru, Nakuru Town East MP David Gikaria, Kago wa Lydia( Githunguri) and Kinuthia Gachobe (Subukia).

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