
Teacher Caught Pants Down With Adult KCSE Candidate in Makueni

March 24, 2021

Police in Makueni arrested a high school teacher after he was allegedly caught having sexual intercourse with one of his students in Makueni county.

Vigilant residents tipped off Yinthungu Sub Location assistant chief Christopher Nthiwa after they saw the Kyase Secondary School teacher lock himself inside his house at Kyase market in Kathwonzeni with the female student on March 22.

The administrator then alerted police who rushed to the house over fears that the teacher was sexually abusing the student.

“Immediately, officers rushed to the scene and found one Kevin Otieno Okumu a BOM [Board of Management] teacher at Kyase locked himself in a house where [he] resides,” read a police report.

After police compelled Mr Okumu to open the door, they found both the teacher and the student naked.

The girl was under the bed while Okumu had a condom on and two other unused ones placed on his bed.

Under the bed, police also found two pairs of school uniform, Colgate toothpaste, a toothbrush, and two books belonging to the KCSE candidate said to be 22 years of age.

“The two have been arrested and taken for medical examination at Kithuki Health Center,” police said.

While the student is of legal age(18), the Teachers Code of Conduct and Ethics (the Code) bars teachers from engaging in any sexual activity with a learner regardless of whether the student consents.

Makueni County Commissioner Mohammed Maalim called on school administrators to thoroughly vet teachers to ensure that they uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.

“There are plenty of women out there who are looking for marriage partners. Teachers must stop targeting students,” said Maalim.

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