ODM Alleges Plot By Obado To Intimidate Migori MCAs Supporting His Impeachment

September 4, 2020

The Orange Democratic Movement has assured Migori ward representatives supporting the impeachment of Governor Okoth Obado of its support.

In a statement Thursday, ODM chairman John Mbadi claimed the MCAs are facing blackmail and intimidation from the embattled governor. Mbadi also called on the government to protect the ward reps.

“We assure ODM MCAs who have signed the petition to remove Obado from office that the party will stand with them fully against attempts by the governor to intimidate and blackmail them. We urge the government to ensure the security of the MCAs and protect them from any form of intimidation and blackmail,” the party said in part.

Mbadi also noted that the party has names of individuals “currently involved in raising money and also diverting public funds to bribe MCAs and finance violence in the county.”

“…we are going to furnish the government with names of Migori CECs, directors of various departments, contractors, chief officers, MCAs and officials who are currently involved in raising money to bribe MCAs,” the statement reads.

According to the party official, the said individuals are holed up in Nairobi, Kisumu and Migori.

“As soon as we forward these names we expect police to act with speed to arrest these individuals.”

In a rejoinder, Obado’s political adviser Dennis Orero denied the allegations and challenged ODM to table evidence.

Here’s ODM’s full Statement on the impending impeachment of Obado.

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