
Matatu Tout in Court For Grabbing Police Officer’s Boob

July 9, 2020

A public service vehicle tout operating in Nairobi has been charged for touching the breast of a police officer who refused to board his ‘Matatu’.

Samuel Mburu appeared before Kibera senior resident magistrate Renee Kitagwa on Tuesday where he pleaded not guilty to the charge of committing an indecent act with an adult contrary to section 11 of the sexual offence act.

Mburu intentionally and unlawfully touched the breast of the officer on July 3 in Uthiru within Nairobi County.

A police report indicated that on the said day at around 1200hrs, the policewoman was at the Uthiru stage waiting to board a matatu to the CBD.

The accused is then said to have approached the officer, asking her to board a matatu he was plying in. The officer declined and told Mburu off saying she would board a matatu of her choice.

The accused thereafter insulted the cop and groped her breast against her wish. The report adds that after three days, the officer in the company of her colleagues arrested Mburu.

In his defence, Mr Mburu told the court that the officer assaulted him.

The magistrate granted him a cash bail of Sh100,000 or bond of Sh200, 000.

The case will be mentioned on July 16.

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