
Kate Actress Says Goodbye to ‘Ma’Empress’ As Show Takes a Bow

March 26, 2020

The highly-acclaimed local drama, ‘Ma’Empress’, has ended six months after it premiered on Maisha Magic East.

‘Ma’Empress’ finale, episode 52 of season one, aired last night(Wednesday) bringing to an end one of the most watched shows in Kenya.

Award-winning actress, Catherine Kamau, was among the cast of the show that took to social media yesterday to break the news. She said it was a great run to play the role of Eve and thanked her fellow castmates, the production team, and fans of the show for the support.

“It was a great run, I have no idea how I carried ‘Eve ‘as heavy?? as I was … I sincerely thank you, our fans for the love and support. Bila nyinyi hakuna sisi! @philittv crew thank you for being so patient and understanding through the journey, my fellow cast mates you are all amazing @maishamagiceast thank you for the platform ?? #Maempress takes a bow tonight ASANTENI SANA. Which character did it for you ??? Tag and appreciate them ❣️❣️??

‘Ma’Empress’ revolved around the lives of five urban women who despite the challenges they go through, are held together by their strong friendship.

Other ’empresses’ included Neomi Nganga as Renne, Minne Kariuki(Crystal), Brenda Mwai(Tasha) and Nyokabi Macharia as Zawadi.

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