
Direct Landlords to Waive Rent For Three Months, Clergy to Govt.

March 27, 2020

The Clergy Association of Kenya has called on the government to direct landlords in Kenya to waive three months’ worth of rent for their tenants.

In a statement Thursday, the association said this will cushion many Kenyans from the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The clergy said they are appreciative of the measures that the State instituted on Wednesday but noted that many Kenyans have been sent on either forced or unpaid leave.

They said the fact that schools have closed and children are at home, many families are struggling to cope up.

“The situation on the ground is tough for many families. Businesses have been affected and there is no cash flow.

“We ask the government to advise all landlords in Kenya to allow tenants living on rentals to stay at least for three months without being harassed so that they can deal with the Covid-19 shock,” the statement reads in part.

The association also asked Kenyans to turn to God in prayer during this period, further urging the government to review the directive on closing down places of worship.

They argued that the closure is allowing the devil to manifest. “It is not good for a country that has faith in God to shut down places of worship completely. God still remains our strong pillar despite every circumstance. Shutting places of worship is allowing the devil to manifest and instill fear among worshipers.”

They maintained that it is not about tithe or offering but keeping the nation closer to God.

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