Carol Radull: ‘Divorce Is Not Easy”

March 23, 2020

Seasoned sports journalist and diehard Arsenal fan Carol Radull gave a candid interview to K24’s Betty Kyallo where she opened up about her divorce from Mike Njiru.

“I was married for seven years,” she said, adding that the first six years were mostly great and one year was rough.

“I would never say anything bad about my ex-husband. I was in love with him when we were married, but things just change. If you had asked me about this four years ago, I would probably be in tears,” said Radull.

She added that “people need to understand that divorce is not an easy thing”.

“You don’t wake up and decide on it. You give it a lot of thought and try seven times seven times and even after going through it, it’s still not easy. A year later, it’s still not easy. It hurts when somebody belittles it. I pray no one has to go through it,” said the journalist.

In the tearjerking interview on Weekend with Betty,, Carol also opened up about losing her father and brother to cancer.

She recounted that things took a bad turn when their father moved to Angola for a lucrative business venture that didn’t work out as he had expected. Her father had planned to work for five years but a war broke out, forcing him to return to Kenya almost empty-handed.

At the same time, her younger brother was diagnosed with cancer.

“Here my dad was, he was out of a job but had started businesses and he was dealing with the first case of cancer in the family. My brother had Hodgkin’s disease. It is a form of Leukemia. It was hard. We were teens, he was fourteen and I was fifteen,” she narrated.

“By the time you are thinking about how to deal with the disease, it is already over. You are like, nobody dies in my family, and I was in Form Four when he died so it messed up my education. It was hard…”

“My mom took it the hardest. She is the one who would stay up with him throughout the night when he was not eating and was throwing up.

“She was also there for him when he rapidly lost weight and mark you, he was already a thin child, you know, all these things that happen with cancer…” she recalled.

Some years after her brother’s demise, Radull lost her father to prostate cancer on May 19, 2013.

“His was slightly better in that he had ten years of it. It was caught early and he underwent surgery, did the radiotherapy, made us all broke again… Oh, I have friends who came through for me…”

But that was not all. Radull also lost another brother who was fatally stabbed by thugs in the streets in 1998.

Catch the full interview below.

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