Kiunjuri Laments Being Jobless After Sacrificing Gubernatorial Bid For Govt Job

February 18, 2020

Former Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri has launched another attack against President Uhuru Kenyatta following his sack from Cabinet on January 14.

Speaking at the Nanyuki PCEA Church on Sunday, Kiunjuri recounted how he was duped into dropping his gubernatorial ambitions for a role in Uhuru’s government.

He noted that he folded his GNU party to back President Kenyatta’s re-election saying it was a classic example of betrayal in the city.

“I had expressed interest in vying for the Laikipia gubernatorial seat but I was told in broad daylight to drop my bid and I would be offered a plum job in government. I will now be jobless for the next three years,” said Kiunjuri.

He also defended his performance during his tenure saying the Agriculture ministry was underfunded.

“You expect your wife to be cooking meat three days a week yet you do not avail money to purchase the meat. You cannot go out there accusing your wife of not cooking meat as you expect yet you do not give her money,” he said.

Kiunjri, who pledged his allegiance to DP Ruto after getting the sack, also accused President Uhuru of selectively fighting corruption.

“Who abused Uhuru more than Wanga or Joho or Babu Owino? They were forgiven…but everytime Kiunjuri or Moses Kuria says ‘barabara Laikipia ni mbaya’, kesho yake uko DCI ama KRA ama EACC,” Kiunjuri stated.

He added: “Let BBI (Building Bridges Initiative) not shadow development in our region…as Kiunjuri I will continue to say so…I will fight for my people.”

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